Student Services

Student Services

Our student services page is designed to give you the resources and tools you need for a successful learning experience.  For additional assistance or information, contact us at

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Student Checklist

Prepare for class with this checklist of items. If you have questions, please contact for assistance.

Student Portal Email: You should receive an email before class with Student Portal instructions containing your course information and items you’ll need for class. Here’s what it should look like below. If you don’t receive a copy, contact us at

Tip: We deliver classes across multiple time zones. Check the Date, Time, and Time Zone so you don’t miss your start time.  


Student Portal Account: Before class, make sure to setup your student portal account per the “Student Portal Instructions tab” from your Student Portal email. Until you create your account, we’ll keep reminding you until the first day of class.

Class items: Once your Student Portal account is setup, login to access your:

    1) course materials

    2) lab connectivity testing documents

    3) Webex login Information

Digital course kit: A digital course kit will be assigned to you, you’ll receive a separate email with a unique access code to redeem your materials. For instructions, view the “Digital Kit Instructions tab”.

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How to access your Cisco Digital Course Kits

1) Register for a ID if you don’t already have one here.

Important: Prior to registering, please review the pre conditions for a ID on the Cisco Learning Network Space information page.

2) Log in to Cisco Learning Network Space using your ID.

3) Click “My Content” tab in the top right area. 

4) Using the unique Access Code you should have received from the “Cisco Learning Network Space”, copy and paste your Access Code into the box on the right pane under “Redeem your access code here.”

Please note: This code is specific to you and cannot be shared. If you need assistance locating your code, please contact

5) Click Submit and the following should appear. Check the box to agree to the Terms of Redemption. 

6) The redeemed content is populated in the main pane under “My Content.”

7) Click the desired title in the “My Content” list to launch the eReader.

For complete information on how to use the system, please visit the Cisco Learning Network Space information page. We recommend that you log in before class and learn more about the Cisco Learning Network Space as well as review the Frequently Asked Questions.

If you have any additional questions, comments or suggestions, please contact us at:

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Student Guide Instructions

Student Guides can be accessed from Cisco Learning Network Space. Login first and then click on the tab ‘Download Free Online Courses’ and then on ‘Cisco Learning Network Space Reader User Guide’. Doing so will add the Reader User Guide to your ‘My Content’. Launch the Reader User Guide from your ‘My Content’ to display its content.

*If the student has not redeemed their digital course kit by the end of the class, it will be cancelled.  The student will receive an automated email from Cisco Network Learning Space indicating their course kit reservation has been cancelled.  If the student requests the digital course kit at a later time, and we confirm attendance in the class and receipt of payment for the course, a new course kit can be reissued.  However, if a version change has occurred in the meantime, the original version may no longer be available.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Redeeming Access Codes and Displaying Content

  1. Register for a ID if you don’t already have one.

    2)  Log in Cisco Learning Network Space using the created ID.

    3)  Click ‘My Content’ tab in the top right area.

    4)  Copy the Access Code, provided via email or other medium, and paste it to the box on the right pane under “Redeem your access code here:”

    5)  The redeemed content is populated in the main left pane under ‘My Content’.

    6)  Click the desired title in the ‘My Content’ list to launch the eReader.

    7)  For the eReader’s functionalities, please refer to the above sections Recording of System Features and Student Guide.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How much can I print?

A: You can print up to 10 pages only in each guide within a course.  Please note that every time you click the Print button in the book, this counts as one page printed, whether or not you click OK in the Print dialog.  Please also be aware that this digital version is designed for online use, not for printing.

Q: Can I download content and study offline?

A: Yes, see below.

Study Offline with the Free Cisco eReader Application

Your course materials, progress, notes, bookmarks, and highlights can be seamlessly synced and backed up to Cisco’s servers and can be accessed from any supported web browser.  Follow this link to learn more about Cisco’s eReader App at

  • Once you are logged into the Cisco Learning Network Space website you can download the Cisco eReader from the “Download Application” link you will find on the right side of the My Content page.
  • Once the application is downloaded, you can launch the application and download any courses you have redeemed.
  • When you log in, you need to be connected to the Internet and when you need to close the eReader, use the logout menu instead of selecting the X of the window.
  • Windows system requirements: Windows 7 or 8+

If you need any assistance with the Cisco eReader, please contact the support team at

The Cisco eReader now works with newer iPads! 

The Cisco eReader iPad app is available from the iTunes AppStore.  iPad system requirements are:  iPad3, iPad4, iPad Mini using IOS 6.1.3 and above.

The Cisco eReader now works on Android!

The Cisco eReader Android App is available from the Google Play Store.  Android system requirements are:  Nexus 7 or 10 using Android 4.2 and above (1.2GHz Quad Core Processor, 2GB RAM.

For more general information regarding Cisco Digital Course Kits:

***Helpful Hint:  If possible, use more than one monitor so you can better see and manage the content. ***

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Accessing your  Skyline ATS Student Portal login

1)  To register, go to to enter your username and password. If you do not have an account, select the HERE button.

2) Copy your unique Confirmation Number from an email you should have received from Skyline Training. Example email below.

Tip: We deliver classes across multiple time zones. Check the Date, Time, and Time Zone so you don’t miss your start time.

3) Paste your unique M-Code from your email into the Confirmation Number field.

4) Complete the following fields to setup your User Account.

For assistance, email us at

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WebEx Login Instructions

1)  Log in to the Student Portal  to access your WebEx login information.

2) Under the Home tab, select My Courses.

3) Select the course you’re scheduled to attend.

4) Select WebEx Login Information.

5) Select Join Meeting to attend.

For assistance, email us at

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